The Mysteries of Porsche 911 Auto Heat

Confused about your Auto Heat on your Porsche?  Well, everybody else is too.   In fact, I have been led to believe that it was corporate policy that no one person 
has ever been allowed to possess all of the knowledge about the heating & air conditioning systems.  Some weird Teutonic thing.  Secret handshake & all. 
 In fact, once you read these pages, you must gouge your own eyes out.

I have also started to add Manual Heat information for the 'red paddle crowd' . . . have patience please . . .

The Basics

Heating Overview - Airflow

A basic airflow diagram & a cute moving version!

Heating Overview - Major Components

The  components that make up the heating system.

What the Hell Are All These Vents For and How Do I Make Them Work?

The Users Guide to the vents.  What comes out where & how.

Even More Dash Control Instructions

As an Added Bonus, I've included the Factory Manual stuff too.

(Under Development)

Engine Compartment Heating Relay Fix

A Tip of the Hat to:

The Bentley is a good source of info on the heating system if you know what your problem is.  It tells you where everything is & how to change it.  Buy it.  Other info has come or been stolen from posts by PCA-NE Frank Bruns, Rennlister Bill Gregory & Luus, Pelicans John Walker, flintstone, cactusdtd, Wil Ferch, ausdilecce, GaryGriff, mysterytrain . . . I might even ask permission one day . . .

