WA914s Masthead logo

Washington State 914s



For questions on membership or event planning, or to volunteer to help with the site or submit content, contact Geoff at bleyseng@excite.com.

For technical issues, contact John at demonspawn914@yahoo.com.

For general inquiries, or if you are unsure who to contact, post a message on the WA914s Announcement list on Yahoo Groups: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wa914s.

We also frequent the 914 board on Pelican Parts, the Shop Talk Forums and the 914 group at Rennlist.

There is also a V8 Conversion discussion list on Yahoo Groups, but every time Porsche gets wind of one their lawyers pounce and have Yahoo shut the group down, then we have to start over. The current list is Pors-chev. Soon there should be a more permanent list on the Renegade Hybrids website. Disclaimer: While engine conversions to interest some of our members, that is not only what this group is about. It is about "all things 914."

A Word About This Site

First of all, we have no affiliation... What. So. Ever. ...with any part of the Porsche organization. We rarely even mention the "P-word" muchless use the Porsche logo or any other collateral or branding materials or intellectual property. We simply use the marque name and model name to describe our cars. So, Porsche, your lawyers can go spit.

Now we're not going to get all pretentious and say, "You gotta have browser X in order to view our site." But if you're reading this paragraph it's because you're using a browser that does is not "standards-compliant," and is most likely serveral years old. Someday you might want to think about upgrading. Just a friendly suggestion from the folks at Washington State 914s. This site will look a lot better in Netscape 7, for example.

This latest version of the site was built with all the latest and greatest web design techniques in mind. It utilizes Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for layout and formatting, effectively separating content from presentation. It is also coded towards the XHTML 1.0 Transitional standard. It will not validate 100% yet because of some of the non-standards-compliant website addresses (for example, the link to the Pelican Parts forum, above, and the link to the Webring site on the homepage, keep these pages from validating). We are working towards resolving those issues.

Also, this site was designed and tested in one of the most-standards-compliant browsers currently in use, Netscape 7. It will look almost identical in Internet Explorer 5.5, for example, but the masthead on the content pages (above) expands the height of the box to fit the logo on the right, effectively adding too much space between the navigation links and the bottom of the orange box they sit in. This is incorrect page rendering by IE5.5, but it is not serious enough a deviation from the design to warrant extra attention.

Further, the site should work in any older browser or handheld device, though it will look nothing like it does in the current crop of standard-compliant, CSS-capable browsers, but that is okay. The content is still fully accessible, just not presented as prettily. Speaking of "pretty," certainly as it pertains to being in the eye of the beholder, the color scheme you see here was chosen on purpose, with the intent of behind a bit more outlandish and "racey" than you might expect from a Porsche-oriented website.

Address questions and comments to John.

Valid CSS!  Valid XHTML 1.0!
ns4.css | main.css | xhtml