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Washington State 914s


Desktop Gallery

Instructions appear below. We'll try to get some newer/bigger images soon. Feel free to send some in, as long as the copyright is clear (ask John if you're not sure).

Brumos Porsche

Brumos Porsche

Brumos Porsche
"This striking image came from John Lowe's 914/6 GT page. There are many more images that would make great desktops on his site." -JB

Porsche 914 Montage
"This is a montage I made for myself from a Rennlist member's photos of an event. If these are your photos and you want credit or want it removed, let me know." -JB

Porsche 914/6 Blueprints

Instructions for Using these images

There are two ways to get these images:

Method 1 (easiest)

  1. Click the link to the image you want.
  2. After the image loads, in Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, right-click your mouse on the image (not the thumbnails that appear at left)
  3. Click "Set as Wallpaper"

Method 2 (labor intensive)

  1. Click the link to the image you want.
  2. After the image loads, save the file to your hard drive.
  3. Using an image editing program, save the image as a bmp file (windows) or pict (mactintosh).
  4. In your display preferences, choose the newly saved image as your background.

All desktop images have been converted to JPEG or GIF format to save space and bandwidth. If the directions above do not allow you to use the images, e-mail John with your platform, browser and operating system for assistance.

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