Installed! Now What?

Almost there

"Just a little more to the left...little more..."

The Pelican Parts engine removal/install article was priceless during this phase of the project. I got the new engine installed in an afternoon, though it was a month and a half later before I tried to start it. No dice. Still no dice by the middle of December, and Jim T. on the Rennlist 914 Mailing List is tired of hearing from me. I've been chasing down fuel injection gremlins since August. The car has moved again by trailer, to a barn on the farm of my girlfriend's parents up near the Pennsylvania line in northern Maryland. No heat or electric, but it's a roof and a concrete floor. I've done a lot of other stuff too, including a Bursch, a new stereo with CD, original style mirror, and assorted rewiring and other stuff.

SC2 and 914

Here's Feurig sharing the limelight with the car that actually gets me from place to place: my 1999 Saturn SC2. It's a fun car, though there's not as much personality as the teener, of course. I think the more Porsche parts it carries, though, the more personality it gets. Osmosis, I guess.

Well, I hope to update soon with more pictures and the good news that Feurig lives again! I'm down to either bad FI grounds or bad trigger points...after that I call in a professional.

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