Verbatim Student Comments: PNB 251, Spring 2004


"He explained everything very well, encouraged questions, re-explained all info, gave us as much info as needed to get point across with supplemental detail"

"connected what we had already talked about with current lecture… I was surprised and impressed.  Excellent lectures.

"Unlike other lecturer's, did not seem to cram at the end of a lecture" "Great job of outlining the material before and after lecture" "Everyday examples were very helpful" "Honestly better than any I have had in 3 yrs as a PNB major"

"Good amt of content and pace for each lecture" "Learned a lot from this TA's lectures" "Made a very difficult topic easily accessible"  "Having slides printed out helped tremendously with following material"

"it was the right amount - not too little or too much to digest in one class period"  "Very well spoken and easy to understand"  "Very good at explaining difficult concepts in easy to understand way.  Related things to real life that we could understand"

"The lectures were an information smorgasbord"  "Helpful handouts with notes; preview @ start of sections"  "Very articulate"  "Good relation of complex neural concepts to everyday life (like lacrosse)"  "Best PNB teacher I've had"  "enthusiasm to share concepts + love of subject was very clearly expressed in class + office hours."  "Very helpful"

"covered complicated info in easy to understand manner + then applied to real world research / medicine"  "lectures were very clear - material + slide progressed in clear, consistent manner"  "concepts were well diagrammed in slide + then explained in step by step procedure"  "Really enjoyed lectures - material was easy to understand in the way it was presented.  Excitement for subject matter was inspiring."

"I thought the content of each lecture was appropriate - simplified in instances where more detailed explanations were gratuitous"  "The slides and handouts helped clarify many of the concepts discussed"  "very easy to both hear and understand"  "the slides and breakdown of concepts made it very easy to understand"  "one of the best [instructors] I've had at UConn"

"abstract theory well discussed with examples"

"was easy to listen to, and provided additional commentary to stimulate interest"

"covered a lot in short amount of time adding a lot of outside current research"  "really highlighted key points"  "very well spoken"  "much easier understood than other professors - good use of real life examples to clarify things"

"I would rather have this TA over 90% of my teachers"  "The TA changed the way he explained things if it was still confusing"  "Jake did an excellent job because he made the lecture interesting by relating what we were learning to our lives.  This made it easier to learn."

"Visual aids ad real life correlations were outstanding"

"Alternate explanations of the same topic easily clarified difficult concepts"

"he is amazing compared to 90% of instructors at UConn.  I wish that he would teach specifically my PNB 274"

"He explains and delivers lectures very well"

"Honestly, understood things better than when [name cut] lectured.  More well organized"

"better than many full professors - excellent teacher"

"Some lecturers could learn from your style."

"Every day he reviewed previous concepts so we know how topics relate"  "He gave us great handouts so that we could focus on what he was saying rather than having to waste time quickly writing notes"

"Better than most professors"

"Very good instructor in his department, knows his information very thoroughly and explains well"

"He should be teaching 251, best prof. Had so far."  "very good examples, very detailed, excellent way of teaching"  "excellent slides + explanation, organized slides"