My Sales Data

I stopped collecting data in May 2005 due to lack of interest.

Raw Sales Data
    (500+ KB html)

Graphical Results

Please note that I started gathering pricing info in an attempt to figure out what I could afford. Pricing from the traditional sources - NADA, Edmunds etc seemed out of whack as did the inflated pricing in Excellence.  The 'real world' seemed to trade much lower, higher,  and stranger.  eBay completed sales are not a great determiner - many eBay buyers are flakes and do not follow through with their purchases.  I tempered the eBay numbers with figures from a couple of BBSs and some personal data.  Certainly not the final say, but an interesting tool for a novice Porsche buyer.  

The final word according to many is that there are no Porsches under $20K, 
merely some that initially cost less . . .
