The Rosie Show!

UPDATED - Scroll to the bottom 

NEW - Christmas 2000 Pictures!

Rosie came into our lives around Sept of 2000.  Life hasn't been the same since. Double click on the pictures to see a larger version of that picture.  More will be added as we catch her doing her favorite tricks on camera.

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Yes, she sleeps in bed with us.  Usually me. Though she would rather sleep with Becky.  So would I...(but I snore and so does Rosie)

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She is a Momma's Girl.  If she's not in the same room with Becky, She's wining at the door.

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Yes, she likes cats.  She will shake this one till it's stunned. Then carry it all over her domain. (it's not real)

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Don't even take her bone. 

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I'm sorry Rosie.  I had to tell.  She has a sock fetish. We find socks everywhere.  Yes, she is licking this dirty sock. Ug!

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Then when you try to take it away from her it's WAR!

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 Scanning for food..

Rosie when Moms not around...

Important article on back injuries for Dachshunds

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