The TireCalc.exe program is a simple calculator to help determine the size of various tires. It accepts tire and wheel parameters (Section Width, Aspect Ratio, and Wheel Diameter) and calculates the Tire Diameter, Tire Circumference, and the Number of Revolutions per Mile of the tire. It also calculates the Percent Change from the last previous tire size (this is useful to determine what effect changing to a certain tire size will have on your spedometer and odometer).

To use the program, change one or more parameters at the top and click on the "Calculate" button.

When the program starts, the three input parameters are set to 914 default values. There is a button at the bottom to change these back to the 914 defaults.

To get a copy of this program and complete documentation, just click on this link and a self-extracting file will be downloaded and 2 files will be extracted:   (49 kb)