Front Panels

After removal of  the edge trim and old material I covered the back of the panel with a very thin but tough plastic to keep water off of the inner door.

I didn't have a lot of material to spare so I laid out the pieces it a manner that allowed the best use and while ensuring enough was available wrap around the edges for stapling to the back  side.

Using the spray glue I applied a thin coat to the panel and pressed the plastic on then trimmed the edges and cut the holes for the door handles and speakers.

The front panels were in pretty good shape and the  existing speaker holes would be used again so there was no need to replace them with hardboard.

After attaching the material there are two black trim pieces the go at the front and rear of the door panel. Holes were poked through the material to locate the screw holes for the pockets and latches.

The completed front panel.

The completed panel

The panel with the material stretched and wrinkle free. The hole for the speaker was cut in the same way as the rear panel and tacked to the back side.

Next step - Rear Seats And Door Pockets
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