Advice About Tensioners and Oil Lines?

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In the two pictures on the right are my existing chain tensioners.  The goldish colored piece on top of the chain tensioner is the mechanical stop that prevents the tensioner from collapsing (I think).  Right now I'm evaluating whether this should be replaced with the pressure fed variety of tensioners...which I already bought.

These are pictures of one of the 90 degree elbows that run from the oil filter to the oil tank and a hard line on the motor.  These must be replaced as they've been leaking.  Notice the weld job by a previous owner.  I'm trying to determine the size of these fittings without a set of calipers.  Does anyone know?  The lower picture is an 8 1/2" by 11" sheet of paper to help show scale.

Here is the hard line that runs across the back side of the motor.  This fitting appears to be identical to one end of the elbow.  It looks like the other end of this line (where it threads into the engine case) is similar to the other end of the elbow.

Here is the oil hose that connects the elbow to the hard line.

Space for future information???

Last updated March 30, 2000.